At the core of Telltale Tea is an attention to quality. The ingredients for the tea blends are all ethically sourced and organic. The products we use and consume have a major impact on the planet, and while we can't do everything perfectly we can make the steps in the right direction. I don't want to get to moralistic now though folks! One of the reasons I am so drawn to stories, be they folktales, fairytales, legends, or mythological stories, is the qualities that they contain. They often bring a sense of playfulness and a different way of making sense of the world, to open our eyes to what life can be about and the many shades and variations that surround us all the time but we often fail to notice. A quality of story is to awaken our perception to the possibility of what might be, or put a different slant on the things we take for granted. If we find our thinking getting too rigid and linear story can challenge us to open our vision and to see things a little more obliquely, they have a way of turning us on our heads to see the world upside down for a few minutes. Once we are the right way up again things look a little different. The quality of tea is to bring us into a receptive state, to take a moment out and be with what is. Sometimes tea brings us a fleeting moment of comfort before we get on with the day. But occasionally it's helpful to take a longer moment out, to appreciate the space that tea can create, a moment of peace. Give yourself space in the week for a tea ritual, to be with tea, to taste it's flavour fully, to feel the effect that it has on you.
Here is where the tales come in. In the time to reflect we can consider a little more the imagery and meandering way of a story and see where it takes our thinking. Tea creates the space and story transports us somewhere else, sometimes deeper into ourselves. Every cup of tea has a tale to tell! Owen Pilgrim Telltale Tea Company